Assessment and Evaluation

Advancing Assessment and Evaluation

This is your gateway to finding measurement tools that can be used to assess individual learners, groups, teams, practice environments, and organizations; and to evaluate the impact of interprofessional education programs and collaborative practice on Triple Aim Outcomes. 

NOTICE: The Measurement Instrument Collection is currently under Review.
See this page for details and the call for Applications for the Measurement Instrument Collection Review Committee.

Showing 1 - 10 of 50

IPEC Competency Self-Assessment Tool

This instrument was designed to assess competencies related to collaborative practice at the healthcare degree program level through individual student self-assessment. Specifically, the tool measures students' self-efficacy on items based on the 42 core competency statements developed by the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC, 2011), a consortium of professional associations in the U.S. representing six disciplines.  Results can help inform curriculum planning, track the...
Dow, A.W.
DiazGranados, D.
Mazmanian, P. E.
Retchin, S. M.

The University of Auckland Behavioural Rating Scale (UA-BRS)

This tool was designed to assess teamwork behaviors exhibited by critical care teams during simulated emergencies.   Specifically, leadership and team coordination, mutual performance monitoring, and verbalising situational information are rated in 23 items. The tool can be completed by team members (group self-assessment) and/or by observers. The 2011 validation study was conducted on 160 individuals in 40 critical care teams engaged in 4 scenarios each. Results helped establish the factor...
Weller, J.
Frengley, R.
Torrie, J.
Shulruf, B.
Jolly, B.
Hopley, L.
Hendersdon, K.
Dzendrowskyj, P.
Yee, B.
Paul, A.

Teamwork Assessment Scale (TAS)

The purpose of the TAS is two-fold: to train and to assess undergraduate medical students' ability to work in teams during ward rounds.  Based on a theoretical model of teamwork, it measures team functioning using a 14-item observational tool applied in a simulation lab. In the validation studies, small teams of 3-4 medical students and chiefs of medicine participated in three different simulated scenarios that were designed to assess team coordination, cooperation, information exchange,...
Kiesewetter J.
Fischer M.R.

Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM)

This observational rating tool was designed to assess the nontechnical performance of team members during resuscitation events. Specifically, it focuses on team leadership, teamwork, and task management as performed by acute care specialists (e.g., physicians, nurses).  The tool includes ratings of 11 specific behaviors and also a global performance item.  A thorough investigation of content, construct, and concurrent validity of the tool was conducted.  In the latter investigations, analyses...
Cooper, S.
Cant, R
Porter, J.
Somers, G
Kinsman, L
Nestel, D

Team Decision Making Questionnaire (TDMQ)

The TDMQ was designed to measure the quality of transdisciplinary teamwork throughout the team decision-making process. Specifically, the tool provides an estimate of the quality of decision-making, team support, learning, and the development of quality services within a team. In the validation study, the 19-item, self-report instrument was administered to professionals working within the clinical area of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).  The study reported good factor...
Batorowicz, B.
Shepherd, T. A.

Team Observed Structured Clinical Encounter (TOSCE)

This tool was designed to assess the teamwork behaviors of interprofessional student teams as demonstrated in a clinical setting. Specifically, the tool measures communication, collaboration roles and responsibilities, collaborative patient-family-centered approach, conflict management/resolution, and team functioning. Two versions of the 7-item tool are provided to assess individual performance separately from team performance, and they may be used concurrently. In the validation study, the...
Lie, D.
May, W.
Richter-Lagha, R.
Forest, C.
Banzali, Y.
Lohenry, K.

Multidisciplinary Team- Observational Assessment Rating Scale (MDT-OARS)

This observational assessment tool was designed for cancer multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings. Specifically, it contains items related to 15 criteria associated with the team, infrastructure for meetings, meeting organization and logistics, and clinical decision making. The content is based on recommendations from a large-scale survey about effectiveness in MDT in the UK.  A pilot validation study conducted on 10 bowel cancer teams reported good inter-rater reliability (0.68 and above) for...
Taylor, C.
Atkins, L.
Richardson, A.
Tarrant, R.
Ramirez, A.

Interprofessional Collaborative Competencies Attainment Survey (ICCAS)

The ICCAS was designed to assess the change in interprofessional collaboration-related competencies in healthcare students and practicing clinicians before and after IPE training interventions. Specifically, this 20-item, self-report tool measures participants' skills in communication, collaboration, roles and responsibilities, collaborative patient-family-centered approach, conflict management/resolution, and team functioning.  Using a retrospective pre-post approach, participants...
Archibald, D.
Trumpower, D.
MacDonald, C. J.

Interprofessional Collaborator Assessment Rubric (ICAR)

The ICAR is a competency-based assessment rubric designed for health and social care students and providers.  Specifically, the tool measures communication, collaboration, roles and responsibilities, a collaborative patient-family-centered approach to care, conflict management/resolution, and team functioning.  Observers rate individuals on 31 IPCP competency statements.  As a formative assessment, ICAR provides learners with constructive feedback on competency areas for further development.  ...
Curran, V.
Hollett, A.
Casimiro, L.M.
Mccarthy, P.
Banfield, V.
Hall, P.
Lackie, K.
Oandasan, I.
Simmons, B.
Wagner, S.

Modified Oxford NOTECHS Assessment (Oxford NOTECHS II)

This tool was designed to evaluate the non-technical skills of operating theatre teams as they perform surgery. Specifically, the Oxford NOTECHS II measures leadership and management, teamwork and cooperation, problem-solving and decision-making, and situational awareness.  Two observers (one clinical, one human factors) rate the degree to which surgical teams maintain patient safety and effective teamwork behaviors in 14 items. The results are meant to be combined with a technical performance...
Robertson, E.R.
Hadi, M.
Morgan, L.J.
Pickering, S.P
Collins, G.
New, S.
Griffin, D.
McCulloch, P.
Catchpole, K.C.
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