Users Tracy Christopherson
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Tracy Christopherson

Degree & Credential: MS, BAS, RRT
Title: Director of Interprofessional Education and Practice
Organization: Elsevier Clinical Solutions
Profession: Respiratory Care Practitioner

Tracy is the Director of Interprofessional Practice and Education for Elsevier Clinical Solutions and has been a leader in creating interprofessional practice environments for over 20 years. She received her Master Degree in Health Professions Education with and emphasis in Interprofessional Education from Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science. 

In her leadership role Tracy has provided consulting services to diverse healthcare settings, including large, multi-site academic and smaller community sites.  She coaches and mentors executives and clinical leaders in health care organizations to create and sustain interprofessional practice environments and adopt intentionally designed evidence-based clinical documentation tools provided through a variety of Health Information Technology (HIT) vendor partnerships.  In 2010 Tracy accepted the Interdisciplinary Group Recognition Award from the National Academies of Practice on behalf of the Elsevier CPM Consortium.  The award was in recognition of the consortium’s collective work toward sustainable interprofessional collaborative care.

She is an Associate Member of the National Academies of Practice and a member of the campaign committee for the Bonnie Wesorick Center for Healthcare Transformation at Grand Valley State University.

Tracy is passionate about bridging the gap between education and practice and creating innovative education opportunities, processes and tools that support the professional practice needs of individual professions while meeting the integrated practice needs of the interprofessional team.

Group Member since
Health Information Technology/Health IT 9 years 1 month ago