Decoding the Unspoken Ways We Communicate
Each of us has 43 muscles in our face, and we use those muscles to create 10,000 unique combinations of expressions — all of which subtly convey important information to other people during conversations, explains computer scientist Ehsan Hoque. Our physical gestures, language, and tone of voice add further layers of complexity.
Roundtable on Quality Care for People with Serious Illness
The Roundtable on Quality Care for People with Serious Illness fosters ongoing dialogue about improving care for people of all ages facing all stages of serious illness. To that end, the Roundtable’s work and activities focus on five priority areas: delivery of person-centered, family-oriented care; communication and advance care planning; professional education and development; policies and payment systems; and public education and engagement.
MyHealthPriorities: Identifying My Health Priorities
MyHealthPriorities: Identifying My Health Priorities is a tool for patients to prioritize what is important to them, which can be shared with health care teams. MyHealthPriorities was created to help people (together with their caregivers if desired) discover what matters most to them and to help identify their Health Priorities in order to make better care decisions with their health care team. Requires either creation of free account or can sign in as "guest".
Canadian Virtual Hospice Resources
Canadian Virtual Hospice provides over 28 modules paired with videos on palliative and end-of-life care topics. The topics are designed to be facillitated for patients and their family members from the comfort of their home. The website also provides support groups, testimonials, and learning tools for professionals.
What Is Palliative Care?
Minnesota Network of Hospice & Palliative Care Resources
MNHPC offers resources documents and links to individuals and families as well as to health care professionals. These materials are provided for informational purposes. Please note that MNHPC has not made any determination about the quality or efficacy and does not endorse any information, service, product, or company represented in the links provided. Consumers and healthcare professionals should use their own judgement about the quality and necessity of information/products/services available.
Interprofessional Faculty Development Cohort IX- A Microcredential
LibGuide: Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning
The process of planning ahead for the end of life is something that many want to avoid. Although planning for such a time may not be comfortable, it is an important step to help those who will care for you and your affairs. In fact, some people find it reassuring to know that they have prepared a will to direct how their property should be allocated, or a health care directive to tell their family and caregivers about the medical treatment they want.
"Choices": The Minnesota Department of Health Mortuary Science Section
The Minnesota Department of Health Mortuary Science Section provides iInformation on the regulations and requirements of the final disposition of a dead human body in Minnesota.
Minnesota Death Collaborative
The Minnesota Death Collaborative (MNDC) is a network that provides an array of resources in the Minnesota region for individuals dealing with grief, dying, disability, palliative and hospice care concerns. Videos, support groups, fact sheets and more are avaiable on this website.
Understanding Military Funeral Honors
Military funeral honors provides a final tribute to eligible veterans and a meaningful ceremony to their families. Military OneSource provides information to help you navigate the process to arrange military funeral honors.