Five years on: Influences on early-career health professionals from an IPE program

Jill Romeo's picture
Submitted by Jill Romeo on Mar 18, 2024 - 5:42pm CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

This longitudinal study aimed to ascertain former students' perceptions of and influences from a final-year pre-registration, rurally-located, clinically-based, 5-week interprofessional program on their subsequent work and career in the health professions. The study found that this work reports positive influences on subsequent careers among respondents who had previously participated as final-year students in the IPE  program, particularly with respect to interprofessional working, rural health, and contextual and cultural influences.

Pullon, S.
Garrett, S.
Garnett, A.
Schwass, E.
McKinlay, E.
Ashworth, A.
Darlow, B.
Collaborative Practice
Communities & Population Health
Education & Learning