National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education 2023: Reflecting Back, Looking Forward

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Submitted by National Center... on Jul 11, 2023 - 8:38am CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article


The United States (US) National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education was funded at the University of Minnesota to serve as the National Coordinating Center for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP) in the US. In 2012, the funders had specific expectations for operationalizing their vision that included scholarship, programs and leadership as an unbiased, neutral convener to align education with health system redesign. While US specific, the National Center benefited from and contributed to the international maturity of the field over the past decade. Through its various services and technology platforms, the National Center has a wide reach nationally and internationally. This perspective provides a unique view of the field in the US with observations and implications for the future.

Barbara F. Brandt
Jennifer Stumpf Kertz
Christine Arenson
Assessment & Evaluation
Collaborative Practice
The Nexus
National Center Publications