Part III: Public Health Considerations and Models for Cultural Adaptation in Dementia Caregiving, Focusing on Asian American/Pacific Islanders and Indigenous Caregivers

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on May 26, 2022 - 10:39am CDT

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This webinar (59:05 minutes) discusses cultural adaptation for Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders and Indigenous caregivers and provides examples and lessons learned from tailoring programs to support caregivers in these communities. This webinar includes three different presentations. Ocean Le discusses the unique realities of Indigenous, Asian American, and Pacific Islanders dementia caregivers. Haera Han discusses cultural adaptations in dementia caregiving, specifically in the case of Korean Americans. The objectives of her presentation is: (1) to discuss research endeavors to create culturally relevant intervention program-PLAN- with goals to promote linkage care for dementia evaluation and care planning while improving caregiver outcomes; and (2) to share key lessons learned from PLAN intervention development processes. Lastly, Jolie Crowder and David Baldridge discusses Alzheimer's and dementia in American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Presentation slides are available for download.

Ocean Le
Haera Han
Jolie Crowder
David Baldridge
Education & Learning
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection