Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale (AITCS)

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Submitted by National Center... on Oct 20, 2016 - 9:24pm CDT

Orchard, C.A.
King, G.A.
Khalili, H.
Bezzina, M.B.

The AITCS is designed as a diagnostic instrument to evaluate the level of interprofessional collaboration among a variety of health care teams. Specifically, the tool measures partnership, cooperation, and coordination in a 37-item self-report instrument. The results are meant to provide insight into the strengths and weakness of interprofessional teams in a variety of settings. A validation study of 125 healthcare workers demonstrated good factor structure and high internal reliability.  A revised version (2015, see attached) contains fewer items (n=23) but measures the same three constructs.

Link to Resources
Descriptive Elements
Who is Being Assessed or Evaluated?: 
Instrument Type: 
Self-report (e.g., survey, questionnaire, self-rating)
Source of Data: 
Health care providers, staff
Notes for Data Sources: 

A variety of staff from orthopedic, general surgery, acute mental health, and palliative care teams in Canada were represented.

Instrument Content: 
Reported perceptions, experiences of working relationships, teamwork
Notes for Content: 

The tool measures three factors of interprofessional collaboration:

  1. Partnership
  2. Cooperation 
  3. Coordination
Instrument Length: 

37 items; between 10 and 15 minutes

Item Format: 
5-point likert-type scale ranging from always (5) to never (1)
Packets containing the survey, letter of information, and consent form were distributed. Surveys and consent forms were returned by mail.
Items can be averaged overall or within factor. No specific scoring instructions are provided.
None described.
Open access (available on this website)
Notes on Access: 

Contact author to confirm permission to use.

Psychometric Elements: Evidence of Validity
The content is based on literature review of collaboration, teamwork, cooperation, shared decision making, and partnership. Twenty-four interprofessional education experts reviewed the scale for clarity, comprehensiveness, and content validity. The experts strongly supported the item content.
Response Process: 
Respondents completing the survey commented that the survey requires a relatively short time commitment and relates to the actual work completed by the team.
Internal Structure: 
Factor analysis supported a three factor structure accounting for 61.0% of the total scale variance. Internal reliability was high for the overall measure (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.98) and the three factors (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.8-0.97).
Relation to Other Variables: 
None described.
None described.