Introducing the individual Teamwork Observation and Feedback Tool (iTOFT): Development and description of a new interprofessional teamwork measure

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Submitted by National Center... on Jun 20, 2016 - 9:39am CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

The individual Teamwork Observation and Feedback Tool (iTOFT) was devised by a consortium of seven universities in recognition of the need for a means of observing and giving feedback to individual learners undertaking an interprofessional teamwork task. It was developed through a literature review of the existing teamwork assessment tools, a discussion of accreditation standards for the health professions, Delphi consultation and field-testing with an emphasis on its feasibility and acceptability for formative assessment. There are two versions: the Basic tool is for use with students who have little clinical teamwork experience and lists 11 observable behaviours under two headings: ‘shared decision making’ and ‘working in a team’. The Advanced version is for senior students and junior health professionals and has 10 observable behaviours under four headings: ‘shared decision making’, ‘working in a team’, ‘leadership’, and ‘patient safety’. Both versions include a comprehensive scale and item descriptors. Further testing is required to focus on its validity and educational impact.

Jill Thistlethwaitea
Kathy Dallestb
Monica Moranc
Roger Dunstona
Chris Robertsd
Diann Eleye
Fiona Bogossianf
Dawn Formang
Lesley Bainbridgeh
Donna Drynanh
Sue Fyfei
Assessment & Evaluation