Using Communication Technology to Enhance Interprofessional Education Simulations

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Submitted by National Center... on Mar 8, 2016 - 1:54pm CST

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

The value of interprofessional collaborative practice is increasingly recognized, so national competencies have been developed in the United States to facilitate the delivery of interprofessional education (IPE) within the academic curriculum. This report links the future of our health and education systems to the transformative promise of a “collaborative practice-ready health workforce.”

Objective: To determine the impact of simulations using an alternative method of communication on students’ satisfaction, attitudes, confidence, and performance related to interprofessional communication.

Design: One hundred sixty-three pharmacy students participated in a required applications-based capstone course. Students were randomly assigned to one of three interprofessional education (IPE) simulations with other health professions students using communication methods such as telephone, e-mail, and video conferencing.

Assessment: Pharmacy students completed a validated survey instrument, Attitude Toward Healthcare Teams Scale (ATHCTS) prior to and after course participation. Significant positive changes occurred for 5 out of 20 items. Written reflection papers and student satisfaction surveys completed after participation showed positive themes and satisfaction. Course instructors evaluated student performance using rubrics for formative feedback.

Conclusion: Implementation of IPE simulations using various methods of communication technology is an effective way for pharmacy schools to incorporate IPE into their curriculum.


This article is co-authored Sarah Shrader, a member of the Kansas University Medical Center Nexus Innovation Network project

Sarah Shrader
Matthew Kostoff
Tiffany Shin
Annie Heble
Brian Kempin
Astyn Miller
Nick Patykiewicz
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning