Evaluation of interprofessional health care team communication simulation in geriatric palliative care

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Submitted by Minnesota North... on Jun 6, 2021 - 7:38pm CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

This article published in Gerontology & Geriatrics Education describes an interprofessional education (IPE) simulation-based geriatric palliative care training that was developed to educate health professions students in team communication. The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competency-based framework was used to inform the training. An evaluation examined attitudes toward health care teams, self-efficacy in communication skills, interprofessional collaboration, and participant satisfaction with the training experience. The full article can be accessed with an OpenAthens account through your institution or with a Taylor & Francis Online account.

Zvi D. Gellis
Eunhae Kim
Diane Hadley
Lora Packel
Cathy Poon
Mary Ann Forciea
Christine Bradway
Joel Streim
John Seman
Tara Hayden
Jerry Johnson
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection