Attitude of Basic Science Medical Students Toward Interprofessional Collaboration

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Submitted by National Center... on Nov 24, 2015 - 3:26pm CST

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Journal Article

The study was done to obtain information about the attitude toward IPC among basic science medical students and note differences, if any, among different subgroups. Study was conducted among first to fifth semester students during July 2015 using the previously validated Jefferson Scale of Attitudes Toward Interprofessional Collaboration (JeffSATIC).


Sixty-seven of the 71 students (94.4%) participated. Cronbach's alpha value of the questionnaire was 0.827, indicating good internal consistency. The mean total score was 104.48 (maximum score 140) while the working relationship and accountability scores were 63.51 (maximum score 84) and 40.97 (maximum score 56), respectively. Total scores were significantly higher among third-semester students and students of Canadian nationality. Working relationship and accountability scores were higher among first and third-semester students.


The total working relationship and accountability scores were lower compared to those obtained in a previous study. Opportunities for IPE and IPC during the basic science years should be strengthened. Longitudinal studies in the institution may be helpful. Similar studies in other Caribbean medical schools are required.

P Ravi Shankar
Neelem R. Dwivedi
Atanu Nandy
Ramanan Balasubramanium
Assessment & Evaluation
Education & Learning
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