Work-Based Assessment of Teamwork: An Interprofessional Approach

Jill Thistlethwaite's picture
Submitted by Jill Thistlethwaite on Oct 22, 2015 - 10:52am CDT

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Lead Institution: The University of Queensland

Authors: The iTOFT Consortium, Australia (2015)

This project focuses on the development of a work-based assessment tool to enable feedback to individuals in relation to teamwork.

It focuses on the rationale for, the development of and the piloting of a tool for observing and giving feedback on an individual student’s behavior in an interprofessional team based activity. The study was conducted during 2012–2014 with a project team initially led by the University of Queensland, and included team members from five Australian universities in three states (University of Queensland, University of Technology Sydney, The University of Sydney, Central Queensland University and Curtin University), as well as from the UK (University of Derby) and Canada (University of British Columbia).

This project builds on the work of the Curriculum Renewal for Interprofessional Education in Health (2014). Both in Australia (as evidenced by the Curriculum Renewal project) and globally there is a need for tools to assess the learning outcomes of interprofessional education (IPE) and whether these have been achieved by pre-qualification health professional students.

The output of the project is the iTOFT: the individual teamwork observation and feedback tool. The iTOFT (individual teamwork observation and feedback tool) has two formats: basic (for novices and junior learners); advanced (for senior students and junior health professionals).

The iTOFT team is very keen to receive feedback on the usefulness of all of the documents.


Downloadable Publications & Resources

Full final report on the development and piloting of the ITOFT

Resource pack for users

Individual Teamwork Observation and Feedback Tool, Basic and Advanced Versions

Jill Thistlethwaite
Lesley Bainbridge
Fiona Bogossian
David Boud
Kathy Dallest
Robyn Dickie
Donna Drynan
Roger Dunston
Diann Eley
Dawn Forman
Sue Fyfe
Monica Moran
Christopher Roberts
Jenny Strong
Assessment & Evaluation
Education & Learning
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Support for the production of this report has been provided by the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching.