Preceptors in the Nexus Toolkit

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Sep 1, 2015 - 10:46pm CDT

Ready to enhance your practice site into an interprofessional clinical learning environment?

What you'll get from this toolkit

The toolkit provides professional development opportunities for preceptors who provide education in practice settings to interprofessional learners. This includes a wide array of tools that support and enrich interprofessional practice and education to enhance patient care and the learner experience. You can use any or all of the tools in a variety of settings- everything is customizable! The tools are available in a variety of formats:

  • web-based modules for preceptor development
  • active-learning materials and facilitator guides for face-to-face workshops for preceptor development
  • interprofessional education materials to be used with learners to enhance their practice experiences
  • interprofessional collaborative practice materials and other resources being used across the country

Who this toolkit is for

This toolkit will help preceptors in any healthcare profession who wish to precept interprofessional learners and/or champion interprofessional practice and education at their clinical site.

Interested in in-person faculty development?

Preceptors in the Nexus: Interprofessional Learning IN Practice is a two-day workshop that offers interprofessional teams the knowledge to enhance the clinical interprofessional learning environment at their practice site. For more information, click here.

Preceptor as Learner
Online Modules Group Learning Materials (Active Learning Materials)
An Introduction to Interprofessional Collaboration Madness to Methods
Facilitating Interprofessional Discussions: Best Practices Role Play Cards
Interprofessional Precepting: Best Practices Objective Structured Teaching Experience (OSTE)
Enhancing Interprofessional Practice and Education at Your Site  
Preceptor as Learner
This package provides preceptors with an opportunity to develop skills for combining interprofessional education and collaborative practice. The are self-paced and can be used alone or as a four-part series. The group learning materials enhance and reinforce concepts in a face-to-face group session.
Get started with interprofessional precepting
Build a foundation of knowledge and skills in precepting interprofessional learners, facilitating interprofessional discussions, and enhancing interprofessional practice and education at your site.
  • Complete one or all of the short and self-paced online modules.
  • Consider using these alone or as part of a group activity.
Preceptor as Interprofessional Educator
Educational Tools
Interprofessional Crucial Conversations/Conflict Resolution
Interprofessional Agents of Change
Interprofessional Team Evaluation
Interprofessional Journal/Book Club
Interprofessional Pandora's Box
Interprofessional Standardized Patient Simulation
Interprofessional Quality Improvement
Interprofessional Debriefing Guides
Preceptor as Interprofessional Educator
This educational package provides preceptors with intentional interprofessional education tools that enhance the interprofessional collaborative-practice experience through small group discussions, simulations, and debriefings.
Provide effective interprofessional education experiences for learners
Already have a good foundation in interprofessional collaborative practice? Do you want tools and techniques for educating interprofessional learners on their clinical rotations?
  • Use these simulations, discussions, presentations, and debriefing guides with learners.
  • Customize to fit your educational needs.
  • Build explicit opportunities for learners to participate in interprofessional education and reflection to enhance their interprofessional clinical experience.
Preceptor as Interprofessional Champion
Practice Transformation Tools
Interprofessional Group Visit and Home Visit Guides
National Models and Resources for Interprofessional Practice Transformation
Preceptor as Interprofessional Champion
This package provides practice transformation tools to enhance interprofessional collaborative practice. Some of the tools are start-up guides and others are national models.
Become an interprofessional practice and education champion at your clinical site
Already have a good foundation in interprofessional education? Do you want to learn strategies to promote and enhance interprofessional collaborative care at your clinical site?
  • Customize to fit the needs of your clinical environment.
  • Transform your practice and let the learners help you enhance interprofessional collaborative care at your site.