University of Alabama at Birmingham: The Role of Interprofessional Faculty Development in Improving Collaborative Practice Behavior Competencies

Member since: February 2016

Intervention: The Role of Interprofessional Faculty Development in Improving Collaborative Practice Behavioral Competencies


  • University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Center for Interprofessional Education and Simulation

  • UAB School of Dentistry

  • UAB School of Health Professions 

  • UAB School of Medicine 

  • UAB School of Nursing

  • UAB School of Optometry 

  • UAB School of Public Health

  • UAB College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Social Work

Occupations represented: At present, faculty from clinical laboratory sciences, dentistry, medicine, nursing, optometry, physical therapy, physician assistant studies, and social work.

Overview: This project focuses on the impact of an intensive 4-day faculty development course on simulation debriefing. The intensive course will include didactic and reflective exercises for use in a simulation setting. Curricula for the schools of medicine, nursing, and health professions have pre-existing simulation experience built in, and this course creates a targeted approach to increase interprofessional engagement through training. It is expected that benefits of the course will extend into classroom and clinical practice experiences for students.

The outcomes measured among participating faculty will include changes in perceptions of interprofessional collaboration and use of interprofessional competencies. These core outcomes relate specifically to conflict resolution, negotiation, use of teamwork tools and strategies, navigation of difficult conversations, and best practices in co-debriefing. Themes will include mutual appreciation, respect and curiosity. Outcomes among students will be studied in a later project.

Intervention study question:

  • For UAB faculty and staff, does receiving standard or additional intensive training in simulation affect (a) perceptions of IP collaboration, and (b) IP behaviors at specified intervals, compared to faculty who do not receive simulation training?
