The Turf and Baggage of Nursing and Medicine: Moving Forward to Achieve Success in Interprofessional Education

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Submitted by Kathleen Becker on Aug 27, 2014 - 11:46am CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

Interprofessional education has been identified as a core competency in nursing, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and public health. Students and trainees who learn with, from, and about one another in an interdisciplinary learning environment develop the skills necessary for team-based care. Faculty and experienced clinician preceptors are integral to this process because they develop curricula, interact with learners, and role model behaviors, yet most faculty and clinical preceptors were educated in a uniprofessional manner and bring to the table years of history and lived experiences. These turf and baggage issues are often subtle but influence our learners and invariably affect the care of the patient.

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Becker, Kathleen
Hanyok, Laura
Walton-Moss, Benita
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning