Nurses' and resident physicians' perceptions of the process of collaboration in an MICU

Judith Gedney Baggs's picture
Submitted by Judith Gedney Baggs on Jul 3, 2014 - 9:25am CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

Ten intensive care unit nurses and 10 medical resident physicians were interviewed to compare their perceptions of the process of nurse-physician collaboration. The grounded theory method for concept development recommended by Strauss and Corbin (1990) was used. The core of the process of collaboration for both groups was working together. Two major antecedent conditions were found: being available, which included being in the right place, having time, and having appropriate knowledge; and being receptive, which included being interested in collaboration and having respect and trust for the other profession. The major outcomes of working together were described as improving patient care, feeling better in the job, and controlling costs. The findings of the study pull together disparate concepts associated with collaborative practice and provide direction for future research.

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Judith G. Baggs
Madeline H. Schmitt
Collaborative Practice
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