From the Nexus Vision to the NexusIPE™ Learning Model

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Submitted by National Center... on Jul 11, 2023 - 8:41am CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article


The Nexus vision of simultaneously transforming health professions education and healthcare delivery to achieve Triple (now Quadruple) Aim outcomes was first articulated in the 2012 proposal and funding of the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (National Center). Over the past decade, the National Center has worked with over 70 sites implementing large scale and practice-based interprofessional practice and education (IPE) programs. Because what is needed to implement the Nexus to achieve Quadruple Aim outcomes was not well understood in 2012, the National Center took a social innovations and developmental evaluation approach. This iterative method led to the development of the National Center NexusIPE™ Learning Model that adapts the 3-P high-level stages (Presage, Process, and Product), proposed as a framework for IPE by Barr and colleagues. National Center collaborators’ lessons learned about the Nexus vision are highlighted in this issue and provide real-world examples of elements of the NexusIPE™ Learning Model. Reflecting on ten years of experience, the National Center leaders recognize the need for Nexus transformation and the relevance of the NexusIPE™ Learning Model today as education and health systems grapple with mounting workforce challenges. The model provides opportunities to address growing workforce shortages, provide equitable care that leads to health, and support the well-being of practice teams in the face of challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Barbara F. Brandt
Carla Dieter
Christine Arenson
Assessment & Evaluation
Collaborative Practice
The Nexus
National Center Publications