The Minnesota Assisted Suicide Bill: Bad Medicine, Bad Ethics, Bad Law

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Feb 6, 2023 - 1:48pm CST

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This webinar (1:29:37 minutes) discusses the Minnesota End-of-Life Option Act which was reintroduced to the MN state legislature in early 2021 and was modeled after the 1994 Oregon Death with Dignity Act. This event is the second of a two-part series representing both sides of the issues related to this bill, currently under review. These events were intended to help inform people in Minnesota about the issues associated with this proposed legislation and promote thoughtful, balanced public discussion as it is considered by the Legislature

In this presentation, you will hear from national advocates for disability rights and racial equity, a clinician, a bioethicist, and a local legislator - all of whom oppose legislation of this type. The speakers are: (1) Doctor Brian Callister, who will share his perspective as a clinician; (2) John B. Kelly who will discuss the disability rights issues associated with type of legislation; (3) Anita Cameron who will present about the racial equity issues related to legislation of this kind; (4) Professor Daniel Sulmasy who will analyze the issues from a bioethical lens; and (5) Senator John Hoffman who will criticize the bill from the perspective of a legislator. The presentations are followed by a robust discussion.

Source: University of Minnesota: Center for Bioethics, 2022.

Daniel P. Sulmasy
T. Brian Callister
John B. Kelly
Anita Cameron
John A. Hoffman
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Death, Dying & End of Life Resources
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection