Code of Medical Ethics: Chapter 5: Caring for Patients at the End of Life

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Submitted by Death Dying and... on Oct 30, 2024 - 4:06pm CDT

Resource Type: 
Book Chapter

The Code of Ethics is widely recognized as the most comprehensive ethics guide for physicians, and is put out by the AMA. Opinions covered in Chapter 5 include: Advance Care Planning; Advanced Directives; Withholding or Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment; Orders Not to Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR); Medically Infective Treatments; Sedation to Unconsciousness in End-of-Life Care; Physician Assisted Suicide; Euthanasia.

About the association: Founded in 1847, the American Medical Association (AMA) is the largest and only national association that convenes 190+ state and specialty medical societies and other critical stakeholders. Throughout history, the AMA has always followed its mission: to promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health.

The American Medical Association
Death, Dying & End of Life Resources