Leveraging a Redesigned Morbidity and Mortality Conference that Incorporates the Clinical and Educational Missions of Improving Quality and Patient Safety

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Submitted by National Center... on Mar 29, 2016 - 8:51am CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

Problem: The morbidity and mortality (M&M) conference is a vital event that can affect medical education, quality improvement, and peer review in academic departments. Historically, M&M conferences have emphasized cases that highlight diagnostic uncertainty or complex management conundrums. In this report, the authors describe the development, pilot, and refinement of a systems-based M&M conference model that combines the educational and clinical missions of improving quality and patient safety in the University of Colorado Department of Medicine.

Approach: In 2011, a focused taskforce completed a literature review that informed the development of a framework for the redesigned systems-based M&M conference. The new model included a restructured monthly conference, longitudinal curriculum for residents, and formal channels for interaction with clinical effectiveness departments. Each conference features an in-depth discussion of an adverse event using specific quality improvement tools. Areas for improvement and suggested action items are identified during the conference and delegated to the relevant clinical departments.

Darlene Tad-y
Read Pierce
Jonathan Pell
Lindsie Stephan
Patrick Kneeland
Heidi Wald
Communities & Population Health
Education & Learning
Patients & Families