Medical University of South Carolina: Team Training to Improve Quality and Safety Outcomes

Member since: March 2014

Intervention: Team Training to Improve Quality and Safety Outcomes in the Clinical Setting


  • Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)
  • Medical University Hospital

Occupations represented:  Students and professionals including nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, physical therapists, physicians and physician assistants.

OverviewThis collaborative intervention evaluates how team training for student learners and clinicians improves quality and safety outcomes in the clinical setting.

Students enrolled in an interprofessional elective course are trained and certified as TeamSTEPPS raters. The practicum of the course involves live, real-time evaluation of teamwork amongst all faculty and staff working in the OBGYN unit of the hospital before and after the faculty and staff all undergo TeamSTEPPS training.

TeamSTEPPS ratings are collected by students for all work shifts and faculty/staff member interactions on the OBGYN unit during the weeks of observation. In addition to studying teamwork scores and patient satisfaction, this intervention also looks at measures associated with medical errors and surgical site infection rates.

Intervention study question:

  • What is the effect of TeamSTEPPS training on teamwork-behaviors compared with pre-TeamSTEPPS teamwork-behaviors over a 12-month time frame.
South Carolina