Interprofessional Education Assessment and Planning Instrument for Academic Institutions

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Submitted by National Center... on Nov 4, 2013 - 1:19pm CST

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The Interprofessional Education Assessment and Planning Instrument for Academic Institutions was designed to do the following: 1) assist institutions in gauging where they are in development of Interprofessional Prevention Education and 2) assist institutions wishing to further advance Interprofessional Education with an emphasis on prevention.

This tool will allow institutions to asses where they are in the development of IPE on their campuses.


Greer, A. & Clay, M. (2010). Interprofessional education assessment and planning instrument for academic institutions. Journal of Allied Health, 39(Suppl. 1), 224-31.

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Tool Description

The Interprofessional Education Assessment and Planning Instrument for Academic Institutions  instrument was designed to do the following: 1) assist institutions in gauging where they are in development of Interprofessional Prevention Education and 2) assist institutions wishing to further advance Interprofessional Education with an emphasis on prevention.





Subscale(s) & Psychometrics I. Educational Venues
II. Educational Evaluation
III. Programmatic Participation
IV. Institutional Support
V. Faculty Incentive



Dr. Annette G. Greer
Assessment & Evaluation
Education & Learning