Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection

Showing 821 - 830 of 1319

This web page created by the American Geriatrics Society's Health in Aging Foundation discusses the topic area of Coronavirus (COVID-19). It provides information such as basic facts, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and tests, care and treatment, lifestyle...

This series of Project ECHO webinars from the Hawai'i State Rural Association in partnership with the Jacob A. Burns School of Medicine includes information related to COVID-19. Some of the topics discussed include PPE, telemedicine, staffing...

This web page from AARP offers ideas to family caregivers to help prevent boredom and keep their loved one active while stuck at home due to the coronavirus. Ten practical ideas are suggested. The web page is available in English and Spanish.

This position statement and companion article represent the official policy position of the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) in regard to COVID-19. The statement is intended to inform stakeholders including hospitals, health systems, and policymakers...

The comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) toolkit for general practitioners and medical and health professionals working in primary care settings explains what comprehensive geriatric assessment is, in what circumstances to use it, and how it is...

This comprehensive geriatric assessment toolkit is a unique one-stop kit of evidence-based resources with customizable tools for providers with appropriate instructions which are ready to print and use. Materials for clients and caregivers are also...

This web page from AARP explains how family caregivers can find outside help. The web page describes several types of home care workers, and it provides steps to hiring a paid caregiver. The web page is available in English and Spanish.


This web page from AARP describes how families can adapt their home to accomodate an aging parent moving in. Both low-cost safety tips and examples of expensive renovations are included. Financial assistance options are discussed. The web page is...

This web page from AARP describes safety tips for caregivers who worry about an older family member with dementia leaving the house. The web page is available in English and Spanish.

Source: AARP, 2017.

This web page from AARP includes expert advice for those living at home who require the assistance of home health aides and other caregivers on how to stay healthy before, during and afer in-home visits. Tips for disinfecting, distancing, deliveries...

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The Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection is part of Minnesota Northstar GWEP, supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Award No. U1QHP33076, the University of Minnesota Office of Academic Clinical Affairs, and the Otto Bremer Trust.