The Grief Channel From Good Grief

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Submitted by Death Dying and... on Nov 24, 2024 - 7:24pm CST

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Welcome to The Grief Channel, dedicated to normalizing conversations around grief, death and dying. Grief can be incredibly tough, but is a natural part of life and can be transformative, instead of being something to be feared and locked away. Our mission is to share knowledge, research and stories that people can relate to, and to provide solace and support. Content comes from Good Grief Festival, which, since its launch in October 2020, has reached over 25,000 people in the UK around the world. Speakers and participants have come from all walks of life, united in sharing their knowledge and experiences of grief. Good Grief is run by a team at the University of Bristol, working with a wide network of collaborators and supporters, with funding from the National Lottery Community Fund.

Featuring over 200 talks from Good Grief festivals and events, you will find familiar faces like Julia Samuel, Cariad Lloyd, David Kessler, Michael Rosen, David Baddiel, Nikesh Shukla, Ruby Wax, Stuart Lawrence, Dr Rachel Clarke, Dr Kathryn Mannix, Amber Jeffrey, Professor Robert Neimeyer and many, many more!

Video topics include: Pregnancy loss, coping with grief after sudden death, coping with grief after the death of a loved one, dying at home, coping with grief after the death of a parent, rumination, reations with place and grieving, symbolisms of death, and bereavement by suicide. 

Disclaimer: Death, Dying and End of Life does not endorse GriefFest.

Good Grief
Collaborative Practice
Communities & Population Health
Education & Learning
Patients & Families
Death, Dying & End of Life Resources