Pet Loss & Grief Fact Sheet From The American Veterinary Medical Association

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Submitted by Death Dying and... on Oct 30, 2024 - 4:40pm CDT

Resource Type: 
Fact Sheet

The relationship shared with your pet is a special and unique bond, a tie that some might find difficult to understand. There will be well-meaning friends and family members who will think that you should not mourn for your pet or who will tell you that you should not be grieving as hard as you are because it’s “just a cat” or “just a dog.” Your grief is normal, and the relationship you shared with your special friend needs to be mourned.

Understanding your feelings of loss. After your animal has died or been lost, it is natural and normal to feel grief and sorrow. By understanding the process, you can be better prepared to accept and handle your grief as well as help others who share your sense of loss.

About the association: The American Veterinary Medical Association's vision is to be the trusted leader in protecting, promoting and advancing a strong, unified veterinary profession that meets the needs of society.

The American Veterinary Medical Association
Patients & Families
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