Deprescribing in an Era of Polypharmacy: Guidelines, Providers, and Patients

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on May 24, 2022 - 3:22pm CDT

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This lecture (51:31 minutes) given by Dr. Lori Martin-Plank discusses deprescribing during an era of polypharmacy including themes such as guidelines, providers, and patients. By the end of this lecture, learners should be able to: (1) recognize the contribution of clinical guidelines, healthcare providers, and patients/families in the proliferation of polypharmacy in older adults; (2) list three barriers to deprescribing in older adults; and (3) identify three resources for safe and successful deprescribing in older adults.

Lori Martin-Plank
Education & Learning
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection