Curriculum Renewal for Interprofessional Education in Health

Jill Thistlethwaite's picture
Submitted by Jill Thistlethwaite on Feb 24, 2014 - 9:53am CST

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This report Curriculum Renewal for Interprofessional Education in Health (CRS) is the final deliverable in the Office for Learning and Teaching (OLT) funded study of the same name. It focuses on the design, delivery, development and future of pre-registration interprofessional education (IPE) in Australian universities. The study was conducted during 2011-2013 by a consortium led by the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) which included nine Australian universities, two government bodies and a non-government organisation.

The study used five distinct methods of information gathering and stakeholder engagement:

  1. A national survey of IPE activities across Australian universities offering health professional education (National Audit Study)
  2. A qualitative study of curriculum development in West Australian universities (WA Study)
  3. Extensive consultations with key education, profession-specific and government bodies
  4. The identification of relevant national and international resources to support curriculum development
  5. Comment and guideance from a reference group of eminent national and international IPE educators and researchers established to assist the study team.

In its introduction, the report identifies the context and key issues that the report addresses, in particular, the Australian higher education and health service context. It briefly describes the two other studies undertaken in tandem with the CRS. These other studies have provided one important source of data for the CRS. Finally, the study focus and methodology of the CRS are presented.

The Interprofessional Curriculum Renewal Consortium, Australia
Education & Learning