Clinical Prevention and Population Health Curriculum Framework

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Submitted by Association for... on Dec 2, 2015 - 2:29pm CST

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The Clinical Prevention and Population Health Curriculum Framework provides a common core of knowledge for clinical health professions about individual and population‐oriented prevention and health promotion efforts. The Framework can support interprofessional prevention education and practice. The CPPH Framework is a product of the interprofessional Healthy People Curriculum Task Force, established in 2002 by the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research (APTR).  The Framework provides a common core of knowledge for clinical health professions about individual and population‐oriented prevention and health promotion efforts.  Health professions educators are encouraged to review their curricula and curricular requirements to ensure they include elements of the Framework.

The Framework provides a: content outline that is compatible with a range of learning outcomes or competencies as determined by each health profession; structure for organizing and monitoring curriculum; and a structure for communicating within and among the health professions.

The Framework consists of four (4) components and 23 domains, with each domain including topic areas, illustrative examples, and recommended resources.

Component 1: Foundations of Population Health
Quantitative and analytic skills used to assess, compare, describe, and monitor the health of populations.

Component 2: Clinical Preventive Services & Health Promotion
Evidence-based, health promotion and disease prevention interventions in the clinical setting.

Component 3: Clinical Practice & Population Health
Opportunities and disciplines that require individual- and population-based health perspectives.

Component 4: Health Systems & Health Policy
Systems and policies that help to govern the health and healthcare system, including collaborations between the clinical care and public health communities.

APTR Healthy People Curriculum Task Force
APTR: David R. Garr, MD; Clyde Evans, PhD; Vera S. Cardinale, MPH
AACN: Joan Stanley, PhD, RN, CRNP; Mary A. Paterson, PhD, MSN
AACOM: Luke H. Mortensen, PhD; Stephen C. Shannon, DO, MPH
AACP: Will G. Lang, MPH
AAMC: Rika Maeshiro, MD, MPH; Malika Fair, MD, MPH
ADEA: Vladimir W. Spolsky, DMD, MPH
ASAHP: Kenneth L. Johnson, PhD, CHES
NONPF: Kathryn Werner, MPA; Kathryn Ellis, DNP, APRN, ANP‐BC, FNP‐BC
PAEA: Sara Fletcher, PhD; Rachel Hamann
Resource Orgs: CCPH: Suzanne Cashman, ScD; ASPPH: Elizabeth Weist, MA, MPH, CPH
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