Australian and New Zealand Interprofessional Education and Practice Resource Repository

Informing Resource Center Australian and New Zealand Interprofessional Education and Practice Resource Repository

The Australian and New Zealand Association of Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) plays a key role in supporting interprofessional education in the Australasian region. The Australasian Interprofessional Practice and Education Network (AIPPEN) provides local leadership and is linked to the Interprofessional.Global confederation. 

Building on the Securing an Interprofessional Future project ANZAHPE has developed this web-based digital library to facilitate the dissemination and sharing of interprofessional education and interprofessional collaborative practice resources for the Australian and New Zealand contexts. This resource repository aims to provide a range of useful resources including webinars, presentations, guidelines, links to journal/conference papers and learning modules. All resources have been peer reviewed.  If you would like to submit a resource to the Australian and New Zealand Interprofessional Education and Practice Resource Repository please contact ANZAHPE.

In addition to these resources, the ANZAHPE Professional Development program provides access to interprofessional education activities for health professional trainees and practitioners.


Repository hosted by: ANZAHPE Logo
Contributing networks: AIPEN Logo
Interprofessional.Global Logo


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