Interprofessional learning: The solution to collaborative practice in primary care

Jill Romeo's picture
Submitted by Jill Romeo on Mar 18, 2024 - 5:52pm CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

This paper outlines the basis of interprofessional education, its relationship to interdisciplinary teamwork in primary care clinical practice, and describes a New Zealand model of postgraduate interprofessional education. Barriers to the implementation of interprofessional education in NZ were identified as well as possible solutions. In NZ, despite health authorities advocating clinical teamwork and interprofessional education, a variety of structural and attitudinal barriers challenge the development and practice of interprofessional education. Solutions proposed included formation of a national body with oversight for all health education pathways (including interprofessional education and uni-disciplinary) as well as financial and other support from appropriate government bodies, regulators, professional organisations, DHBs and tertiary providers.

Pullon, S.
McKinlay, E.
Collaborative Practice
Communities & Population Health