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Results 1 - 4 of 4 for "malpractice"

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  1. Lack of theory: Educational Malpractice: Developing Theoretical Rigour in Interprofessional Education

    Resource Type:  Presentation 1359 reads This presentation was originally given at the EIPEN 4th European Conference on Interprofessional Practice & Education. Quality of life in health and social care. An interprofessional matter held September 11-13, ...

    Sarah Hean


  2. Medical Malpractice and Interdisciplinary Team Dynamics

    through a computer search of Index Medicus articles dealing with nursing and malpractice. Complete ... _Schmitt_MedicalMalpracticeAndInterdisciplinaryTeamDynamics_1990.pdf Subject:  Teamwork Additional Tags (Optional):  legal issues malpractice Collections:  Health ...

    Madeline H. Schmitt


  3. Idealized Design of Perinatal Care

    that occur in labor and delivery. They are also prime factors leading to malpractice claims. The model ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  4. Collaborating Across Borders V - Conference Presentations

    Professional and Legal Students to Medical Malpractice Donald Woodyard, Christopher Woodyard I8i 529 Creating ...

    Site Admin
