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Results 1 - 4 of 4 for "Lexicon"

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  1. Proposed Lexicon for the Interprofessional Field

    Resource Type:  Book 553 reads This IPR.Global Proposed Lexicon for the Interprofessional field ...  is based on the current interprofessional literature. This lexicon serves as the starting point in ... A. (2021). Proposed lexicon for the interprofessional field. A reprint publication by ...

    Hossein Khalili


  2. A National Agenda for Research in Collaborative Care

    Collaborative Care Metrics (Kessler and Miller). A Collaborative Care Lexicon for Asking Practice and Research ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  3. Guidance on Global Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Research: Discussion Paper

    collaborators to join us in this initiative. The appendix provides a proposed lexicon for the interprofessional ... field based on the current interprofessional literature. This lexicon serves as a starting point in ...

    Hossein Khalili


  4. How Fast is Fast?

    become part of the interprofessional education lexicon. We’ve seen significant and substantive progress ...

    Barbara F. Brandt
