INTRODUCTION: The Rural Interprofessional Programme Emergency Retreat (RIPPER) is an educational programme collaboratively developed and evaluated by an interprofessional team from Schools within Faculty of Health Science (FHS), University of Tasmania (UT ...
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education —03/14/2014
Resource Type: Journal Article 1700 reads INTRODUCTION: The Rural Interprofessional Programme Emergency Retreat (RIPPER) is an educational programme collaboratively developed and evaluated by an interprofessional team from Schools within Faculty of Heal ...
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education —01/08/2015
need to have a better understanding of the long-term effect and outcomes of IPE programmes as a whole. ... support IPE programmes. From a health system perspective these may indicate where resources can be best ... further exploration or development and testing of new or modified IPE programmes. This includes the place, ...
Jill Romeo —03/17/2024
interprofessional IPE programme interprofessional practice Collections: ANZAHPE ...
Jill Romeo —12/06/2021
an 11-hour IPE programme which focused on long-term condition management. Three key themes emerged ... opportunity to learn about each other should be prioritised within IPE programmes and that this process should ...
Jill Romeo —12/07/2021
students involved in an experiential IPE programme in New Zealand made sense of engaging in this unfamiliar ...
Jill Romeo —08/28/2023
the influence that preregistration education including an explicit interprofessional education (IPE ... ) programme may have on these. Author(s): Darlow, B. Brown, M. Gallagher, P. Gray, L. McKinlay, E. Purdie, G. ...
Jill Romeo —12/07/2021
workplace providers’ perspectives on their participation over the first 3 years of an IPE programme in a New ...
Jill Romeo —03/17/2024
Resource Type: Journal Article 533 reads This study evaluated whether an IPE programme changed ...
Jill Romeo —12/07/2021
IPE programme reported regarding shared living arrangements. A qualitative survey question querying ...
Jill Romeo —09/06/2023