to conduct such an analysis. The IOM report, “ Measuring the Impact of Interprofessional Education on ... website, Questions about the IOM report can be directed to ...
Andy Pollen —04/22/2015
recent IOM report, Measuring the Impact of Interprofessional Education on Collaborative Practice and ...
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education —06/19/2015
below to access the accompanying webcast "A Discussion of the IOM Report, A Framework for Educating ...
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education —03/09/2016
Thank you to the IOM for embracing the need for this work growing out of the Health Professions Education Forum and to the Consensus Committee members, including international members and consultants, for your work, for an outstanding report, and for an e ...
Madeline H. Schmitt —07/15/2015
When thinking about effectiveness we need to consider what 'effective' looks like in any particular context. For most education in the health professions effectiveness is about whether learners learn rather than patient outcomes because of the c ...
Jill Thistlethwaite —07/19/2015
Author(s): Patricia Cuff, Brenda Zierler, Barbara Brandt on behalf of the IOM Upload File: CAB V IOM Report ...
Barbara F. Brandt —10/05/2015
to conduct such an analysis. The IOM report recommends actions that interprofessional stakeholders, ...
Andy Pollen —04/22/2015
at the national level as demonstrated in the recommendations from two recent IOM reports and in the ...
Judith Haber —07/28/2014
Practice and Patient Outcomes.” Reflecting on the 2015 IOM report, the editorial describes the consensus ...
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education —03/22/2016
built on points made in the key 1995 IOM report Dental Education at the Crossroads. Currently, IPE and ...
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education —10/29/2015