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Results 1 - 10 of 67 for "health professional students"

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  1. A comparison of the validity of two instruments assessing health professional student perceptions of interprofessional education and practice

    a parsimonious, valid, and reliable tool for measuring health professional students' perceptions of IPE and ...

    Joseph Zorek


  2. Knowledge and attitudes of allied health professional students regarding the stroke rehabilitation team and the role of the Speech and Language Therapist

    AIMS: The aims were to investigate allied health professional students' perceptions and experiences ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  3. Linking service-learning with community-based participatory research: an interprofessional course for health professional students.

    1204 reads Author(s):  Marcus, Marianne T; Taylor, Wendell C; Hormann, Mark D; Walker, Thomas; Carroll, Deidra Journal Citation:  Nursing Outlook. 59(1):47-54, 2011 Jan-Feb. Lit Review Attributes:  United States Mixed Methods Combination USA Combination o ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  4. Engaging health professional students in substance abuse research: development and early evaluation of the SARET program

    OBJECTIVE: There is a need to build the ranks of health care professionals engaged in substance abuse (SA)-focused clinical research. The authors simultaneously developed and evaluated SARET, the Substance Abuse Research Education and Training program. Th ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  5. A Comparison of two scales for assessing health professional students' attitudes toward interprofessional learning

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 2729 reads A peer-reviewed research paper comparing the properties of the IEPS and the RIPLS for measuring attitudes of three health professions (medicine, physicain assistant studies and pharmacy). Author(s):  Lie, Desiree ...

    Desiree Lie


  6. The Impact of a Multidisciplinary, Student-Run, Free Clinic on Health Professional Students’ Attitudes Towards the Underserved and Interprofessionalism

    free clinic on health professional students’ attitudes towards the underserved and interprofessionalism ...

    Brian Sick


  7. Interprofessional Education and Development (IPED): A longitudinal team-based learning course introducing teamwork/collaboration, values/ethics, and safety/quality to health professional students

    Resource Type:  Curriculum 1713 reads The task of developing large-scale interprofessional education (IPE) across multiple health professions schools to meet accreditation standards is daunting. This curricular resource describes Interprofessional Educati ...

    Teresa Schicker


  8. Perceptions of interprofessionalism in health professional students participating in a novel community service initiative

    effective method for interprofessional education amongst health professional students. Author(s):  Erica S. ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  9. Cancer Pain Treatment and Management: an Interprofessional Learning Module for Prelicensure Health Professional Students

    forPrelicensure Health Professional Students This learning module uses chronic pain care as the context through ...

    Teresa Schicker


  10. Pain and Culture: an Interprofessional Learning Module for Prelicensure Health Professional Students

    for Prelicensure Health Professional Students   This learning module uses chronic pain care as the ...

    Teresa Schicker


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