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Results 1 - 10 of 70 for "health and human services"

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  1. About the National Center

    States Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration. The ... U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Dean Delaney’s leadership builds on a legacy of ... evaluating education, health and human service programs funded by government agencies, foundations, and ...

    Site Admin


  2. IPE Centers, Programs and Initiatives Northern Arizona University- College of Health and Human Services Interprofessional Education ... Collaborative Practice VA Linda Plitt Donaldson, MSW, Ph.D Director, Institute for Innovation in Health and ... Human Services, Associate Dean, College of Health and Behavioral Studies Vesna Hart, ...

    Site Admin


  3. About Us

    Health and Human Services as the sole center to provide leadership, scholarship, evidence, coordination ...

    Site Admin


  4. Helen Reid

    Helen Reid's picture

    Degree & Credential: PhD, RDN/LD
    Title: Dean, College of Health and Human Services
    Organization: Missouri State University
    Contact: not available

  5. Emily Akerson

    Emily Akerson's picture

    Degree & Credential: DNP, FNP-BC
    Title: Coordinator for Clinical and Interprofessional Initaitives
    Organization: Institute for Innovation in Health and Human Services, James Madison University
    Contact: not available

  6. Thaddaeus Brown

    Thaddaeus Brown's picture

    Degree & Credential: Ph.D
    Title: Program Manager
    Organization: TEF 1199 SEIU
    Contact: not available

  7. Marcia Mastracci Ditmyer

    Marcia Mastracci Ditmyer's picture

    Degree & Credential: PhD, MBA, MS, MCHES
    Title: Dean
    Organization: Saginaw Valley State University College for Health and Human Services
    Contact: not available

  8. Anar Guru

    Anar Guru's picture

    Degree & Credential: Doctor of Physical Therapy
    Title: Dean of Health and Human Services
    Organization: Mott Community College
    Contact: not available

  9. The road to collaboration: developing an interprofessional competency framework

    development for health and human service professionals throughout the continuum of learning, starting with ... a foundation for future curriculum reform by health and human service educators, practitioners and ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  10. The University of British Columbia model of interprofessional education

    model is based on the premise that there are optimal learning times for health and human services ... interprofessional experiences health and human services students ... them fit generally within our understanding of interprofessional education in the health and human ...

    John Gilbert


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