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  1. IPE Growth

    Does anyone out there structure IPE in or with their student affairs office/team?  When someone officially joins your IPE team as a paid player are they given release time from other duties? If you are willing to share how and who/position wise, not speci ...

    Campbell Interprofessional Education


  2. CDC/APTR Webinar | Growth and Development of IPE at Health Professions Schools: Lessons Learned from Grantees

    growth of innovative IPE initiatives on and off-campus, as well as obstacles and lessons learned. To ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  3. Give to the National Center

    Your gift to the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education supports the growth ...

    Site Admin


  4. The Arizona Nexus: The First Five Years

    development and growth of the Arizona Nexus. In this case study, we tell the story of the Arizona Nexus, key ... landmarks in its development and how these four factors contributed to its growth and success. For the ... foundation we have built in our first five years, we are determined to accelerate the growth of ...

    Karen J. Saewert


  5. Amy Costanzo

    Amy Costanzo's picture

    Degree & Credential: PhD candidate, MSN, RN-BC
    Title: Director, Center for Professional Growth & Innovative Practice
    Organization: UC Health
    Contact: not available

  6. Key trends in interprofessional research: A macrosociological analysis from 1970 to 2010

    a Bourdieusian theoretical framework to investigate this growth and the changing nature of the field's ... longitudinally. Our results are presented in two main sections. Initially, we consider the growth and reach of the ... Tags (Optional):  thematic analysis legitimacy growth terminology ...

    Scott Reeves


  7. IPR.Global Announcement: 2022 Global IPE Situational Analysis Results Final Report

    e-book, despite the significant growth of IPE program development across the globe, the integration, ... sustainability, and growth of institutional-level IPE remains a top priority around the globe.  The e-book ...

    Sean Diego Johnson


  8. Call for Abstracts: Southeastern IPE Conference

    in interprofessional education and practice, IPE implementation and growth, IPE scholarship and IPE ...

    Christopher Humphrey


  9. Finding Your Way Through Sudden Loss & Adversity

    will include a variety of lessons on loss and growth as well as practical suggestions on how you can ... on post-traumatic growth. Author(s):  Robert J. Fazio (Editor) Lauren Fazio (Editor) Link to ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources


  10. The effects of an IPS-based IPE program on interprofessional socialization and dual identity development

    professions completed the IPS program intervention. Latent Growth Curve (LGC) modeling and thematic content ... consistent growth rate in dual identity was found among the participants. The thematic analysis resulted in ...

    Hossein Khalili


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