IPR.Global Announcement: 2022 Global IPE Situational Analysis Results Final Report

The Global Network for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Research (IPR.Global) has published its 2022 Global IPE Situational Analysis Results Final Report E-Book. This e-book, as an up-to-date global IPE report after the World Health Organization Study Group on IPECP environmental scan in 2010, (Rodger et al., 2010), presents the results of 2020-2021 global IPE situational analysis survey conducted by the IPR.Global in collaboration with the Interprofessional.Global.

In total, 152 academic institutions from six regions worldwide contributed to the study. As reported in this e-book, despite the significant growth of IPE program development across the globe, the integration, sustainability, and growth of institutional-level IPE remains a top priority around the globe. 

The e-book presents the recent global uptake of IPE along with the micro-, meso-, and macro-level processes that support (or hinder) the IPE programs development and implementation across the globe. The results are presented both at the global and regional levels. This e-book also shares the gained insights on the global status of IPE with the global IPECP community that they can use it in their advocacy towards IPE integration and sustainability in their institutions and regions during the post-COVID healthcare education and practice transformation. To learn more, To learn more, here is the link to the full Final Report

You are welcome to widely distribute this free of charge e-book with your colleagues, students, institutions, and networks.

Please visit us at https://interprofessionalresearch.global/ for additional resources, publications, and the 2023 IPR.Global Awards (due by January 16th, 2023). Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at Ipresearch.global@gmail.com.