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Results 1 - 10 of 50 for "Experiential learning"

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  1. Developing disaster preparedness competence: an experiential learning exercise for multiprofessional education

    BACKGROUND: The hurricane disasters of 2005 and the threat of pandemic infectious diseases compel medical educators to develop emergency preparedness training for medical students and other health care professional students. DESCRIPTION: This article desc ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. Interprofessional Academic PACT:The Providence VA Clinic Experiential Learning with VIP’s (Veteran Interprofessional Patient Sessions)

    Providence VA Clinic Experiential Learning with VIP's (Veteran Interprofessional Patient Sessions) ...

    Laural Traylor, MSW


  3. Improving family medicine resident training in dementia care: An experiential learning opportunity in Primary Care Collaborative Memory Clinics

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 681 reads This article published in Gerontology & Geriatrics Education describes the curriculum for a resident training intervention in Primary Care Collaborative Memory Clinics (PCCMC), outlines its underlying educatio ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  4. IPE Centers, Programs and Initiatives

    Pharmacy, Director of Experiential Learning University of Mississippi Medical Center- ... RN, CHSE, ACNP-ret Assistant Dean, Experiential Learning and Innovation Thomas ...

    Site Admin


  5. Train-the-Trainer Interprofessional Faculty Development Program

     Use the Institute of Medicine’s Model to plan projects Interactive •    Experiential learning modules ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  6. Robert B. Stanton, MBA, PharmD

    Robert B. Stanton, MBA, PharmD's picture

    Degree & Credential: MBA, PharmD
    Title: Assistant Dean of Experiential Learning
    Organization: Marshall University
    Contact: not available

  7. jane kleinman

    jane kleinman's picture

    Degree & Credential: RN, MAOM
    Title: Director of Health Sciences & Experiential Learning
    Organization: Sasaki
    Contact: not available

  8. kate morse

    kate morse's picture

    Degree & Credential: RN PhD
    Title: Assistant Dean Experiential Learning and Innovation
    Organization: Drexel University
    Contact: not available

  9. Mike Doherty

    Mike Doherty's picture

    Degree & Credential:
    Title: Director of Experiential Learning
    Organization: Univerisity of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy
    Contact: not available

  10. Valerie Ruehter

    Valerie Ruehter's picture

    Degree & Credential:
    Title: Clinical Associate Professor, Director of Experiential Learning
    Organization: UMKC School of Pharmacy
    Contact: not available

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