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Results 1 - 10 of 34 for "education modules"

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  1. Evaluation of a multifaceted pre-registration interprofessional education module

    PubMed URL: 1073 reads Author(s):  Owens, Melissa Dearnley, Chris Plews, Caroline Greasley, Pete Journal Citation:  Journal of Interprofessional Care. 24(4):460-2, 2010 Jul. Lit Review Attributes:  Assessment/ev ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. The introduction of an interprofessional education module: students' perceptions.

    AIM: The purpose of this study was to examine health science students' perceptions of an interprofessional education (IPE) module delivered by means of problem-based learning (PBL). METHODS: Ninety-two students from four health science disciplines (m ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  3. Participant evaluation of an education module on interprofessional collaboration for students in healthcare studies

    Educational modules are developed in response to a perceived need to improve interprofessional collaboration ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  4. Amina in the Nexus

    a self-paced, educational module that can support IPE curriculum  Resource and Facilitation Guide  – a 17-page ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  5. Interprofessional continuing health education for diabetic patients in an urban underserved community

    educational modules to those in need. The main objectives were to identify the learning needs of health ... relevant educational modules to address needs identified, implement the program, and evaluate ... participants' experience with the educational modules. Evaluation consisted of debriefing after each educational ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  6. Nexus 2017 Nexus Fair

    colleagues. Resource Exchange - Share interprofessional tools, educational modules, and other practical ...

    Charles Cho


  7. Integration of basic clinical skills training in medical education: an interprofessional simulated teaching experience

    a pilot IV Cannulation Education Module taught to medical students. EVALUATION: Data analysis of 63 ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  8. Developing a Patient-Centered ISHAPED Handoff With Patient/Family and Parent Advisory Councils

    to develop education modules on implementing patient-centered handoffs. Author(s):  Friesen M Herbst ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  9. Delirium

    Resource Type:  Other 506 reads This educational module designed by Collaborative Action Team ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  10. Normal Aging

    Resource Type:  Other 385 reads This educational module designed by CATCH-ON is part of the Basics ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)
