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Results 1 - 10 of 117 for "dying"

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  1. Enhancing interprofessional education in end-of-life care: an interdisciplinary exploration of death and dying in literature

    PubMed URL: 1042 reads Author(s):  Brajtman, Susan Hall, Pippa Barnes, Peter Journal Citation:  Journal of Palliative Care. 25(2):125-31, 2009. Lit Review Attributes:  Assessment/evaluation of IP program Canada ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. Working together. An interdisciplinary approach to dying patients in a palliative care unit.

    Multiprofessional teams have become in recent years one of the distinguishing features of services, where professionals with different competences work together. The core of our interest is addressed to the équipe of a palliative care ward; in particular, ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  3. The dying patient in the ICU: Role of the interdisciplinary team

    interdisciplinary team approaches to the care of the dying patient in the intensive care unit (ICU). Current ... members-could systematically enhance interdisciplinary collaboration in the care of the dying patient. In the ... few studies of ICU interdisciplinary collaborative care of the dying patient, investigator shave ...

    Judith Gedney Baggs


  4. The Dying Process

    death and dying within a social, cultural and personal context. Participants will identify the signs of ... impending death, non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic approaches to managing symptoms during the dying ... Christopher G. Mitchell and Valerie Gruss, discusses the dying process. By the end of the module learners ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  5. Minnesota End-of-Life Option Act: Medical Aid in Dying is a Compassionate Option for Terminally Ill Patients

    aid in dying as a patient with a terminal illness; (2) Doctor David R. Grube, who discusses the ... clinical applications of medical aid in dying, including competencies, standards of practice, medical ... to the most common objectives to legalizing medical aid in dying. The presentations are followed by ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  6. A Comprehensive List Of Resources For Children, Families and Communities On Grief, Death and Dying From The Dougy Center

    grief, death and dying, and are tailored for kids, teens, families, caregivers and helping professionals. ... Death, Dying and End of Life's library.  About the organization:  The Dougy Center's mission is ... related to death, dying and grief. Topics are sorted by type of death and the person who died. Spanish ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources


  7. How To Die In Oregon

    Netherlands had legalized the practice. 'How to Die in Oregon' tell the stories of those most ... Director Link to Resource: Subject:  Education & ... organic reduction funeral end of life decisions Collections:  Death, Dying & End of Life Resources ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources


  8. The Dying Patient: Merck Manual Professional Edition

    consider these factors when managing the care of a dying patient. Dying patients have needs that differ ... from those of other patients. So that their needs are met, dying patients must first be identified. ... dementia may die suddenly from pneumonia. With the third trajectory (irregularly progressive dysfunction), ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources


  9. Death and Dying: Lifespan Development- A Psychological Perspective

    still be the inevitable final chapter of our lives. Learning objectives from Death and Dying: Lifespan ... people die Describe how attitudes about death and death anxiety change as people age Explain the ... (Lally_and_Valentine-French)/10%3A_Death_and_Dying Subject:  Caregivers Communities & ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources


  10. Dying in America. Improving Quality and Honoring Individual Preferences Near the End of Life

    Resource Type:  Book 15 reads Dying in America evaluates strategies to integrate care into ... Citation: Institute of Medicine. 2015. Dying in America: Improving Quality and Honoring Individual ... Medicine / National Academies. Sciences Engineering and Medicine Collections:  Death, Dying & End of ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources


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