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Results 1 - 10 of 12 for "death and dying"

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  1. Enhancing interprofessional education in end-of-life care: an interdisciplinary exploration of death and dying in literature

    PubMed URL: 1098 reads Author(s):  Brajtman, Susan Hall, Pippa Barnes, Peter Journal Citation:  Journal of Palliative Care. 25(2):125-31, 2009. Lit Review Attributes:  Assessment/evaluation of IP program Canada ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. Death and Dying: Lifespan Development- A Psychological Perspective

    still be the inevitable final chapter of our lives. Learning objectives from Death and Dying: Lifespan ... (Lally_and_Valentine-French)/10%3A_Death_and_Dying Subject:  Caregivers Communities & ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources


  3. A Comprehensive List Of Resources For Children, Families and Communities On Grief, Death and Dying From The Dougy Center

    grief, death and dying, and are tailored for kids, teens, families, caregivers and helping professionals. ... illnesses.  Spanish toolkits are also available. Tags: grief, death and dying, serious illness and death, family ties, ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources


  4. End Of Life Issues: Death And Dying, Terminal Care

    Resource Type:  Website 152 reads Planning for the end of life can be difficult. But by deciding what end-of-life care best suits your needs when you are healthy, you can help those close to you make the right choices when the time comes. End-of-life plan ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources


  5. Dr. John Song’s Vision for Health Equity: Dignity in Death and Dying While in Prison

    Resource Type:  Video 10 reads At the heart of bioethics lies the pursuit of a compassionate and just society. Dr. John Song embodied this heartfelt approach as a bioethicist and an advocate for health equity for the homeless, individuals with HIV/AIDs, a ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  6. The Dying Process

    death and dying within a social, cultural and personal context. Participants will identify the signs of ... should be able to: (1) discuss death and dying a social, cultural, and personal context; (2) describe the ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  7. Field of Aging: Its Relevance and Learning the Basics

    (2) dementia; (3) death and dying; (4) advance directives; (5) mental health challenges associated ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  8. Grief Out Loud Podcast Episode

    death and dying pet loss LGBTQ grief BIPOC grief Community care community healing community loss chronic ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources


  9. A Toolkit On Advanced Serious Illness From The Dougy Center

    Families Additional Tags (Optional):  grief death and dying serious illness and death family ties school ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources


  10. The Grief Channel From Good Grief

    conversations around grief, death and dying. Grief can be incredibly tough, but is a natural part of life and ...

    Death Dying and End of Life Resources
