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Results 1 - 4 of 4 for "community oriented primary care"

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  1. Arizona Nexus: Interprofessional Education Community of Practice: Connecting IPE Training to Collaborative Practice in Community Health Settings

    oriented primary care? Phase 3: What is the effect of the team care intervention processes, which are ... training affect student satisfaction, process of care skills, collaboration (teamness), and community ...

    Site Admin


  2. In Memory of Dr. DeWitt C. “Bud” Baldwin

    community-oriented primary care and IPE in communities, I knew he was a national treasure and that his office ... early U.S. academic health center formation, community-oriented primary care, and Michele’s and his work ...

    Site Admin


  3. Domestic Violence & Provider Role: Video & Curriculum

    violence community oriented primary care ...

    Cathy Plourde


  4. Presenters

    projects for medical education focused on community-oriented primary care, such as the Virtual Community ...

    Sadie Strassman
