PubMed URL: 1133 reads Author(s): Brashers, Valentina Owen, John Blackhall, Leslie Erickson, Jeanne Peterson, Christine Journal Citation: Journal of Interprofessional Care. 26(3):242-4, 2012 May. Lit Review At ...
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education —03/14/2014
BACKGROUND: The need for interprofessional education has been apparent for decades and in 2004, we established the first Interprofessional Training Unit (ITU) in Denmark. Nursing, occupational therapy and physiotherapy students were in the ITU for its fir ...
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education —03/14/2014
Resource Type: Journal Article 1556 reads Author(s): University of Virginia Center for ASPIRE Link to Resource: Subject: Assessment & Evaluation Collaborative Practice Education & ...
John A. Owen —06/30/2017
and have been integrated into the clinical/clerkship year where they are required for all third year ...
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education —12/10/2013
Additional Tags (Optional): clinical clerkship community networks community-based education CBE Egypt ...
John Gilbert —04/14/2014
of their clinical clerkships in the county, two steps identified were: 1) To further train ...
UNE Interprofessional Education Collaborative —08/25/2015