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Results 1 - 10 of 16 for "ATHCT"

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  1. ATHCT: Attitudes Toward Health Care Teams Scale

    Resource Type:  Tool 41547 reads The Attitudes Toward Health Care Teams scale (ATHCT) was ... practice-based team training programs for health care students and clinicians. ATHCT is often used in conjunction ... Upload File:  Adapted IHCT scale (from Curran.ATHCT).docx Subject:  Assessment & Evaluation Education ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. Attitudes Toward Health Care Teams Scale (ATHCT)

    ATHCT was designed to gauge the attitudes of trainees and providers towards working in interprofessional ... low.  Since the ATHCT was developed in 1999, other researchers have used a 14-item version of the ATHCT ... ATHCTS, TSS.pdf Content:  Thirty-one (n = 31) items were developed from existing, un-validated scales and ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  3. Permission to use the ATHCT Scale

    fall 2017. I am writing to you for a copy of the 21 item ATHCT scale and your permission to use the ...

    Nadira Dhanaswar


  4. ATHCT Scale request for use

    The person requesting use should contact ...

    Madeline H. Schmitt


  5. Clarification

    Dear Mr. Lind, I have made several attempts to obtain permission to use the ATHCT Scale without ... any response. I felt a need to clarify your statement here. I am able to access a copy of the ATHCTS ...

    Nadira Dhanaswar


  6. A comparison of the validity of two instruments assessing health professional student perceptions of interprofessional education and practice

    Care Teams (ATHCT-R) instrument and a 10-item Student Perceptions of Interprofessional Clinical ... validity, and reliability compared with the ATHCT-R. The SPICE-R instrument demonstrates promise as ...

    Joseph Zorek


  7. Changes in attitudes toward interprofessional health care teams and education in the first- and third-year undergraduate students

    scores of modified Attitudes Toward Health Care Teams Scale (ATHCTS) and those of modified Readiness of ... training-style learning in the third-year students. Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the modified ATHCTS ... ATHCTS and those of "expertise" subscale in the modified RIPLS declined significantly in the ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  8. Students Perceptions of Interprofessional Clinical Education Revised (SPICE-R)

    Care Teams Scale (ATHCT-R, Hyer et al, 2000) in terms of reliability and construct validity.  Both ... online currently to 277 students in September; a demographic survey, the 21-item ATHCT-R, and the 10-item ...

    Joseph Zorek


  9. The impact of an interprofessional standardized patient exercise on attitudes toward working in interprofessional teams

    interprofessional teams. The attitudes toward health care teams (ATHCT) survey was administered pre- and post-ISPE ... the ATHCT. There were significant differences in attitudes toward team-based care by profession. ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  10. Interprofessional Collaboration Scale (ICS)

    Work Index (NWI-NPRS) and the sub-scales of the Attitudes Toward Health Care Teams Scale (ATHCTS). As ... correlated weakly (i.e., r = 0.20 to 0.40) or negatively with the more attitudinal ATHCTS subscales. ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education
