Creighton University: The Interprofessional Education Passport

Member since: March 2016

Intervention: The Interprofessional Education (IPE) Passport


  • Creighton University (CU) College of Nursing

  • CU School of Dentistry

  • CU School of Medicine

  • CU School of Pharmacy and Health Professions

  • CHI Creighton Ambulatory Care Center

Occupations represented:  Students and faculty from dentistry, emergency medical services, medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, pharmacy, and physical therapy.

Overview: This project develops an interprofessioanl curriculum named the IPE Passport. Approximately 600 students from seven health professions programs at Creighton University will complete IPE 400 Introduction to Collaborative Care (.5 credits) followed by three pre-approved IPE activities that comprise the Passport. The IPE activities will take place in coordination with CHI Creighton Ambulatory Care Center.

The intent of the project is to train health professions students to be collaboration ready, allowing them to enter the workforce prepared to provide care via interprofessional teams. The curriculum facilitates students’ thinking about how individual providers and the health care system can improve care for vulnerable populations.

Outcome measures for this project include scores on the Teams Skills Scale (TSS) and the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS). Qualitative analysis will be based on students’ written reflections to questions about the value of collaborative care, interprofessional readiness, challenges and skills needed for successful interprofessional practice. 

Intervention study question:

  • Among students in seven health profession programs, what it the effect of IPE curriculum on learning and readiness to work on interprofessional teams?
