Users Whitney Meredith
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Whitney Meredith

Degree & Credential: M.A.
Location: Minnesota
Title: Lead Evaluator
Organization: National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education
Profession: Evaluator

I lead efforts to use evaluation data to both assess and improve The National Center’s effectiveness, and I work to increase the evaluation capacity of Nexus Innovations Network participants.  I started at the University of Minnesota over five years ago, first as a master’s student and then as an evaluator for the University of Minnesota Extension.   In the fall of 2014, I also started working on a doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development.  I am interested in using evaluation data to support organizational learning and to promote advancement, and I am specifically interested in contexts where higher education institutions work with outside partners—linking theory to practice—to extend their impact.  I am therefore very excited about being part of the National Center’s evaluation efforts.