The Interprofessional Education Collaborative at UNE values shared learning environments that prepare students to be competent and collaborative health professionals:
- Safety and Quality: The practice of interpersonal, interprofessional, organizational, and systemic behaviors that result in reduced risks to and improved outcomes for health care consumers.
- Social Justice and Heath as a Human Right: The application of core principles advocating for the right of every person, regardless of circumstance, to receive the best possible health care integrated with contemporary science and delivered respectfully, without bias or judgment.
- Patient/Person Centeredness: The cultivation and support of attitudes and skills that:
- Empower healthcare recipients
- Integrate patient/family/community expertise
- Promote shared decision-making
- Cultural Humility: The willingness to:
- Learn about, from, and with diverse cultures,
- Respect the health perspectives, values, and wishes of others
- Use cultural and linguistically appropriate communication.
- Collaborative Leadership: Interprofessional skills for promoting respectful communication, assertion and advocacy based on relevancy not role.
- Student Empowerment: The recognition that students, as future health practitioners and change agents charged with transforming healthcare, are necessary and respected collaborators in interprofessional education.
Interprofessional Education: occurs when two or more professions learn about, from and with each other to improve collaboration and the delivery of quality patient care.
Interprofessional Practice: is a shared commitment to know and value the roles and responsibilities of others, communicate effectively, respect common and diverse ethics and use interprofessional, person-centered strategies to provide safe and effective health care.