Users Susan Kimble
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Susan Kimble

Degree & Credential: DNP, RN, ANP-BC
Title: Clinical Associate Professor, DNP and MSN Program Director
Organization: University of Missouri Kansas City

Dr. Susan Kimble is a Clinical Associate Professor and the program director for the MSN and DNP programs at UMKC.  Her research focus includes healthy lifestyles programs looking at health promotion and risk reduction of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, taking place in several urban community sites with senior citizens and underserved families.  She is the Project Investigator of an advanced practice nursing (APN) Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP) grant, the Curriculum Director of the HRSA ANEP IPCP grant focused on the medically underserved with multiple chronic conditions, along with serving as Curriculum Coordinator of the HRSA Mobilizing Interprofessional Care Teams grant with the VAMC.  Dr. Kimble is a graduate teaching faculty on the Transforming the Academic Preparation of Health Professionals: Competency-Based SBIRT Training (UMKC SBIRT) grant from the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration.  Susan has presented on a variety of primary care topics along with student evaluation in classroom and clinical settings, preparing graduate nursing students for success, collaboration between the DNP and PhD roles, and IPE project outcomes at international, national, NONPF, STTI and AACN sponsored conferences.