Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Science Department
Univerrsity of Kentucky College of Pharmacy
Dr. Hatton-Kolpek is a clinical pharmacist focusing on the care of patients with neurologic injury. Following service as Department Chair (2007-2011), her clinical practice transitioned from neurological intensive care to rehabilitation and ambulatory care of patients with spinal cord and brain injury. Through collaborative partnerships with colleagues from the Kentucky Appalachian Rural Rehabilitation Network (http://karrn.org/wordpress/) and The Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital (http://www.cardinalhill.org/chrh), research and scholarship programs have developed targeting the challenges of polypharmacy after neurologic injury. Dr. Hatton-Kolpek continues pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic research projects with colleagues from neurosurgery and the Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center (http://www.mc.uky.edu/scobirc/). She also provides instruction to professional students, residents and graduate students in the Colleges of Pharmacy and Medicine in the areas of Evidence Based Medicine, Advanced Pharmacy Practice, Traumatic Brain Injury and Clinical Research Ethics.